Organic pangasius fillets are being sold in Germany

Organic pangasius fillets are being sold in Germany

Ngày đăng: 21/12/2019

    ( As of the first half of August 2019, the total export value of pangasius to the German market reached US$20.4 million, up 35.4% over the same period in 2018. Currently, Germany is the third largest exporter of Vietnamese pangasius in the EU.

    According to ITC, in the first half of 2019, Vietnam was Germany's fifth largest supplier of whitefish. In the first two quarters of this year, the country's total imports of whitefish also increased by 3-7% compared to the previous quarters. Frozen Alaska pollock fillets products (HS 030475) remained to made up for the largest share of Germany's whitefish imports, accounting for 55-56% of the total import value of whitefish, followed by frozen cod fillets products (HS 030471). Currently, frozen pangasius products from Vietnam only account for 3-6% of total whitefish imports of Germany.

     In the first 8 months of 2019, more than 15 Vietnamese enterprises participated in pangasius exports to Germany. Export pangasius products to this market were also quite diverse such as: frozen pangasius slice (HS 030324); frozen pangasius skin (HS 030399); frozen pangasius fillets (HS 030462); Organic pangasius fillets (loin) (HS 030462) ...

    Currently, some pangasius enterprises in An Giang are exporting organic pangasius fillet products to German market with the average export price from US$9.6 - 9.78/kg. This is also a remarkable product for businesses when exporting to this market.

    Germany continues to be evaluated as one of the markets with high import prices of pangasius in the EU. In the first 8 months of 2019, pangasius export value to this market were not stable, yet Germany is still a potential market for businesses who interested in maintaining exports to the EU.