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    Despite a decline in traditional large markets, pangasius export activities recorded good growth in niche markets such as Finland, Germany, Sweden,... in the first months of 2023.

    According to data from the Vietnam Association of Seafood Exporters and Producers (VASEP), in the first 7 months of 2023, Vietnam's pangasius output increased slightly by 2.3% over the same period last year, to 920,000 tons. However, export turnover only reached 1 billion USD, down 37% over the same period last year.

    The decrease in turnover is partly due to a significant decrease in Vietnam's pangasius export price compared to 2022. If Vietnam's average pangasius export price in the first months of 2022 ranges from 2.83-3. 4 USD/kg, by 2023, the export price of pangasius has decreased from 3 USD/kg from February 2023 to 2.26 USD/kg in July 2023.

    Xuất khẩu cá tra sang thị trường ngách đang là "điểm sáng"

    Regarding the market, in the first 7 months of 2023, pangasius exports recorded a decline in value in all 5 major markets: pangasius export turnover to the United States decreased by 59% compared to the same period last year, only 159 million USD remaining; to China decreased by 32%, reaching 325 million USD; EU decreased by 22%, reaching 101 million USD; Brazil decreased by 16%, reaching 47 million USD; UK decreased by 16%, reaching 40 million USD

    However, looking in a positive direction, the decrease in pangasius turnover in the Chinese market is gradually decreasing, from a decrease of 65% in January 2023 to 30% in May 2023 and only 7% in January 2023. % in July 2023.

    In the US market, Vietnam is still the number one supplier of imported pangasius to the US, accounting for 91% of the country's total imported output.

    However, in the first months of this year, the United States was the least optimistic market for Vietnam's pangasius industry. The US economy has faced a decline, high inflation, pangasius inventories of large importers, etc. These factors have increased the quantity and value of Vietnamese pangasius exports to the market. This school has a discount of nearly 60%.

    Sản lượng xuất khẩu cá tra của Việt Nam theo thị trường, theo quý. (Nguồn: AgroMonitor, Vietcap)

    However, pangasius exports to some small markets are growing well. "This is considered a bright spot in the export picture in 2023 as well as the hope of pangasius businesses when they are facing difficulties in traditional large markets." - VASEP representative commented.

    Typically, Vietnamese pangasius exports to Finland increased 18 times compared to the same period in 2022; to the German and Swedish markets both increased by 25%, New Zealand increased by 17% and Singapore increased slightly by 1% over the same period last year.

    VASEP forecasts that in the last months of 2023, pangasius exports to the US market may slow down, but with expectations that the Chinese market will recover better in demand, pangasius exports are likely to be high. than the first half of 2023. Therefore, it is forecast that pangasius exports in 2023 may reach 1.7 billion USD, down 32% compared to 2022.



    The Chinese government has just announced that it will ban the import of all seafood products from Japan after Tokyo began the first discharge of nuclear waste into the sea.


    Accordingly, the Chinese Customs Authority has issued a notice to suspend the import of seafood products of Japanese origin from August 24.

    "The decision aims to comprehensively prevent food safety risks caused by radioactive pollution from Fukushima nuclear waste water. We protect the health of Chinese consumers and ensure the safety of imported food export,” the agency said.

    This decision was made just a few hours after Japan discharged treated nuclear wastewater from the Fukushima Daiichi plant into the Pacific Ocean.

    The Japanese side immediately sent a protest to China through diplomatic channels, asking Beijing to cancel the ban.

    Tokyo and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said the water is thoroughly treated to remove radioactive isotopes, leaving only tritium, one of two radioactive isotopes of hydrogen.

    Japan affirms that wastewater will be below the tritium concentration limit in wastewater of 1,500 Bq/l (becquerel/liter), 7 times lower than the WHO's recommended level of 10,000 Bq/l for drinking water. However, the assessments of the IAEA and Japan caused a lot of controversy among public opinion and experts.

    Some scholars believe that tritium-containing wastewater still poses many risks, as there has been no complete research on the impact of tritium on the environment and food, although discharging radioactive wastewater is a common activity. of factories around the world.

    From July 2023, China has stopped importing food, especially seafood, from 10/47 Japanese provinces, including Fukushima, and strictly inspected documents related to imported food. from the remaining provinces of Japan.

    Experts analyze that China's ban on importing seafood from Japan is more political than economic.

    China's Customs data shows that, with a turnover of about 600 million USD, the 156,000 tons of Japanese seafood supplied to China in 2022 only contributes less than 4% of the total seafood import value worth 18.8 million USD. billion USD of this country. Ecuador, India and Russia are the largest seafood suppliers to China.

    Meanwhile, the figure of 600 million USD is only equivalent to 20% of Japan's total export turnover to top trading partner China each year, and accounts for less than 0.09% of the total export turnover of more than 685 million USD. billion USD of the land of the rising sun.

    "Therefore, the impact of this Chinese ban is insignificant," an expert commented.